Thursday, 7 May 2020

Music makes the world go round

Times are really tough at the moment, but Music is a great way to keep your brain engaged and enjoy yourself! 

Get involved in the BBC Lockdown Orchestra. 
Click here Lockdown orchestra OR Virtual orchestra

Sunday, 15 April 2018


Year 7 - Elements of Music
You will learn about notation, note values & give a solo keyboard performance of a popular piece of music

Year 8 - Baroque Music
You will learn about features of Baroque music, the history of Baroque music and you will complete a solo and software task

Year 9 - Hip Hop
You will learn about the history of Hip Hop music, how it is created and then you will create your own Hip Hop pieces

Year 10 GCSE
You will work on your solo performance skills, develop composition ideas & prepare a group performance ready for the Winter Concert on 18th December

Year 11 GCSE
You will learn about The Beatles set pieces, complete a mock listening exam and begin the Brief Composition from the start of this term. 

You must continue work outside of lessons on your Year 10 Free Composition as the final deadline for hand-in of this is Friday 15th February 

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Term 4 Update

KS4/5 Recital Evening
Wednesday 5th April 
Showcasing KS4 & KS5 assessed performances

GCSE Coursework & Exam Prep
Tuesday 11th April 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 18th April 9am - 3pm

Film Music Screenings in Music Dept.
Term 5
*Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
*Les Miserables

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Welcome to Term 4

Lots of exciting events!

March 5th - 3pm to 6pm
Harmony group competition 
Cheltenham Town Hall
Audience welcome

March 10th - meet 7.10pm

Colston Hall film music trip 
Year 9 to Year 13 

March 21st 22nd 23rd - 6.30pm

The Invisible Ray school production
(tickets on sale now!) 

April 5th - 6.30pm

Y11 GCSE & A Level Recital Evening
JCA Main hall

May 4th - meet 7.10pm

Joseph and Technicolour Dreamcoat trip
Bristol Hippodrome
KS4 & 5 Music and Drama

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

H A P P Y    N E W    Y E A R !

The plan for this term...check on our pages for more details!

Year 7 -   BBC ten pieces project exploring music

Year 8 -   The Blues

Year 9 -   Composing Film music

Year 10 - Composition & Haydn 'Clock' Symphony (mv.2)

Year 11 - Composition & Exam preparation